Thursday 16 February 2012


You will find many web sites advrtising that they can help you make million on the interne ,knowing any thing and without doing any thing ,Knowing  knowing any thing and possessing any thing .The rule is it is too good is too good to be true............................................................................They do promise money back if you are not happy ,but sowhat,they lied!

                                                  DATA ENTRY SCAMS
   Data entry scams are farud and they actually are not data entry but some kind of promotional work,which you have to do with regards to the product of the  sto the product of the scammeron google adwords.the payment is ridiculously low and you eill reach pay out day.


 They are many website which claim to have found the secrets of making money on lineand will try to sell an E-booktoyou.Rest assumedthatbthese E-book will have  much less information  what is available in this book and is a sure shot way to losing money 

                                              Trun off internet connection when not in use
Turn off your internet connection when not in use,so that your  computer is not being used by hackers as part of a botnet .check outboxes regularly tosee if any mails that you did not send are being shown 

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