Thursday 16 February 2012


In this type of scam,abusiness opportunity of earning lots of money whil eworking at home  is advertised .The email on the website gives lots of testimonials from many people about how good and profitable the business is abd will exhort the reader to sebd money either for regestration or for the details on how to go about conducting the business .The unsuspecting reader does not know that the promised  good or information  will never arrive.At best,the applicant will get information on how to create a website  or email similar to theone he received. so that he can dupe others and may be earn out his loss
                                            DATING SCAM

In this type ,the perpetrator send a romantic letter saying sonething like they saw your profile and wher every impressed
 and would likeyo know you better.When you start  communicating , the  story changes slowly to sob stork and then you are asked to help them  out  by sending money or help them in some other way .which may even beilleged .just remember .no one falls in lone with your profole alone .
IN other cases ,the user is tricked into paying a larage amount of money with the promise of a larger gain at the later date

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